Monitoring and evaluation


The Project will be monitored according to progress in terms of expenditure, resources, implementation of activities, delivery of results and management of risks. On the basis of the log-frame and budget,


  • The Project inception report will provide a detailed implementation plan that will be used for monitoring purposes. This will be one of the deliverables of the inception activity, namely the capacity assessment, benchmarking and conflict management and mediation training mainly for the local Project partners. This approach will ensure that:


  1. Inputs are being provided on time and within budget;
  2. Activities are being implemented on time and in an efficient manner;
  3. Relevant information on Project achievements/results is being collected and is accessible to the Contracting Entity, local Project partners and beneficiaries in an appropriate format and language;
  4. Operational plans, budgets and risk management plans are reviewed and updated regularly;
  5. Transparency and accountability systems (including financial management systems and independent audit) are adequate and effective in accordance with EU recommendations;
  6. Financial sustainability issues are being thoroughly addressed; and
  7. Capacity building activities focuses on skills transferred and sustainability to ensure continuation of efforts after the end of the Project


  • The Project will produce the following monitoring reports in accordance with EU recommended implementation practice:


  1. Inception report (which includes the visibility plan, quality criteria, detailed activity schedule, monitoring scheme that includes detailed activity schedule;
  2. Interim progress reports;
  3. Annual reports (in case of a phase 2. component); and
  4. Final report


  • Overall Project monitoring and internal evaluations will be complemented by workshops evaluations, seminars and meetings whereby participants, Project partners and possibly and extended group of affiliated individuals and/or organisations will provide feedback on the content, usefulness, delivery and other aspects of the Project. 


  • External evaluations will be undertaken at the end of the Project including the findings of the specific envoy conveyed in activity 6.1 ‘Peer reviewing mission and post-election diagnosis’. The latter will to some extent be able to shed light on the usefulness of the Project vis-à-vis the foreseen enhanced performance that can possibly be assigned to the Project among key electoral stakeholders, including but not limited to the ZEC. The final external evaluation will provide objective verification of results and provide technical advice and big-picture perspectives to the Project management, and feed into Project review processes.